John Woo Presents Stranglehold was Midway's first Next Generation game using the Unreal 3 Engine. I stepped up as Lead Animator on this project and help pave the way for Midway's next generation animation pipeline. This was a very valuable learning experience for me.

Responsibilities and Accomplishments

Early in the prototype phase we were trying different ways to interact with the environment. This animation was one of several we tested for the wall-evade mechanic. Although this move did not make it into the game, I present it as an example of animation that I massaged in MotionBuilder Story tool. I used the start of another wall evade and then mirrored it to blend into him continuing up the wall. I finished it by blending into a backward flip.

(Duration 2sec)(Desktop 227KB)(Mobile 223KB)(Cell 23KB)
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Here is a combo attack animation we tested early as we were defining the special moves for Tequila. This is another one I liked but did not make it into the game.

(Duration 3sec)(Desktop 401KB)(Mobile 370KB)(Cell 28KB)
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This is the same animation as above except this is presented on a static camera.

(Duration 3sec)(Desktop 376KB)(Mobile 368KB)(Cell 30KB)
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This is one of my favorite animations in the game. This move plus other variants are used many times when executing a dual gun "teqila bomb". In this example, I tweaked it for the user interface. In the game, we time dilate this animation to enhance the experience.

(Duration 2sec)(Desktop 257KB)(Mobile 244KB)(Cell 24KB)
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The dives were some of the first motions we started creating for the prototype. We went through several iterations to arrive at a dive that felt good as we played the game.

(Duration 1sec)(Desktop 113KB)(Mobile 109KB)(Cell 13KB)
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Here is another wall evade we tested. This was used when approaching the wall at a 45 degree angle.

(Duration 2sec)(Desktop 161KB)(Mobile 161KB)(Cell 21KB)
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The hit reacts in this game were much fun, and we had a lot of hit reacts. Each major joint in the body had several hit reacts that we triggered as the enemy was shot. We also had special critical hit reacts that were more over the top. This is one I completed.

(Duration 7sec)(Desktop 756KB)(Mobile 728KB)(Cell 53KB)
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This is an idle motion I edited for one of our product reviews.

(Duration 11sec)(Desktop 719KB)(Mobile 753KB)(Cell 90KB)
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Here is one of many ROM (Range of Motion) setup files I created. The setup file is the calibration of the motion data to the character model. Tuning each character's setup file allows the motions from a given shoot to be compatible and easier to animate with. These files are also useful for tweaking the weights of the character model.

(Duration 56sec)(Desktop 5.8MB)(Mobile 5.5MB)(Cell 412KB)
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